Meet State Cursive Requirements

Whether you are searching for a solution to your state’s cursive requirement or simply need a cursive program that can be taught effectively in the classroom under increased time constraints, CursiveLogic is the answer.


CursiveLogic offers significant discounts to academic institutions. To place an academic order or for more information, contact

Schedule a free demonstration 

  • Make cursive the easiest part of the day for teachers, parents, and students

  • See the CursiveLogic program in action

  • Learn about flexible options for teacher training

This free demonstration is available to teachers and administrators at schools with tax-exempt status.  For more information, contact us at

During my 42 years of teaching experience I’ve never witnessed such a unique . . . writing program. First year students attending our school in the fifth through eighth grades who had never been taught to write in cursive were excited and engaged in instruction. The results were astounding.
— Deborah Brown, Director, Sankofa Middle School of Creative & Performing Arts, Tulsa, OK
Students who didn’t enjoy cursive before began to love showing off their new skill! Many students were surprised at how many of the letters were formed beginning with similar movements. That gave them the confidence to keep going!
— 4th Grade Teacher, Tulsa, OK
I like the chanting that goes along with each stroke. …This is a great tool to use for my fourth graders! They were all chanting the strokes at the same time as they were writing the letters. What a great method!
— Class Four Teacher, Dallas, TX
CursiveLogic is a great program! It is organized well and offers a sequential order that seems logical for students to use… and students improve greatly!
— Teacher, Tigard, OR
Our second graders were beginning cursive and struggling. I am impressed with the quick improvement they made when we introduced CursiveLogic! Their cursive is beautiful.
— Debbie Edwards, Primary School Director, West Dallas Community School, Dallas TX
Learning cursive provides crucial benefit to children at an age when they need it most: a sense of involvement and ownership, hand-eye coordination, patience, and self-control. . . . I hope CursiveLogic can keep cursive in the school curriculum. Educators no longer have the excuse that cursive is too hard to learn and that they can’t find teachers who can teach it. Write on!
— Dr. William Klemm, Senior Professor of Neuroscience at Texas A&M University and author of "Why Writing by Hand Could Make you Smarter"

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